- Level:
- 9 ECTS Credits
- Schedule:
- Adjustable
- Basic training:
- No
- School(s):
- IAE Metz School of Management
- Year:
- -
- Hours of training:
- 98h
- Sandwich course:
- No
- Executive training:
- Yes
- CPF mobilisation:
- Yes
- Next school year:
- Back to school 2022
- Internship:
- No
- Language(s):
- French
- RNCP code:
- RNCP35911BC07
For employees in the property sector who wish to develop their skills, the EREM Chair offers a 98-hour block of skills entitled "Management and innovation of property activities".
This block of skills, which can be financed by the CPF, allows partial validation of the Master's degree in Property Management and Development awarded by the IAE Metz - University of Lorraine.
- Skill block from the Master's degree in Property Management and Development
- attached to the skill block RNCP35911BC07 "Measurement and control of management tools and methods adapted to the sector"
At the end of the course, the participant will be able to:
- Mobilise skills in Property Techniques, Property Marketing, Property Project Management, Performance Management and Reporting, and Profitability Studies and Property Investments;
- Identify digital uses and the impact of their evolution on property management
Property professionals (property agents, condominium managers/property managers, property developers)
Educational manager
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The Management and innovation of property activities course consists of 98 hours of teaching divided into 7 modules of 14 hours each. The training is exclusively distance learning.
Training's programme
Building techniques
- Knowing the main players in a construction operation
- Understanding the main technical and architectural trades
- Recognising the main building pathologies
- Setting up a liability procedure
Property marketing
- Understanding the customer's expectations
- Understanding the mechanisms of property marketing and its environment
- Implementing a marketing strategy
Project management applied to property
- Understanding the issues involved in a construction project
- Mastering the different phases of a property operation
- Understanding Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Property and digital
- Knowing the state of the art of the phenomenon of digitalisation of the property professions
- Understanding the challenges of digital property
- Drawing up an inventory of the digital situation in its structure versus the competition
- Implementing the right strategy
Dashboard and performance management
- Knowing the process of steering a property company
- Understanding the relationship between strategy, action plans, and performance indicators of a property company
- Identifying the key success factors of a property business
- Setting up a dashboard to monitor the performance of a property company
Profitability study and property investments
- Understanding property investment from a financial perspective
- Understanding the financial tools needed to assess the profitability and risks associated with property investments
- Knowing the basic mechanisms of financial techniques applied to property
- Being able to assess the profitability of a property investment project.
Professional practices
- Knowing the basic rules for constructing a document based on a problem chosen by the professional in the property field
- Understand and grasp the essential elements to be included in the document by reading and analysing bibliographic references and articles
- Recognising the technical and more general elements that need to be highlighted, analyse them and draw out avenues for reflection and action
- Setting up action plans based on the structured analysis of documents, texts, books, magazines, technical sheets, etc.
Executive training
The short course "Management and innovation of property activities" is available as part of an executive training programme.
Discover the different measures for employees, job seekers and self-employed workers
Property professionals (property agents, co-ownership/asset managers, property developers). BAC + 3 level or VAPP for executives and job seekers without a BAC + 3 level degree.
- Application file on ecandidat.univ-lorraine.fr
- Application file study
- If eligible, selection interview
Application period
Registration fees
Registration fees for national degrees are set each year by ministerial decree. Registration fees are re-evaluated by the ministry for each academic year.
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