Since its creation in 1988, the IAE Metz has largely oriented the access of its training courses to executives and technicians, in activity or in professional transition, most often wishing, with the support of their company, to consolidate or acquire new skills in management sciences, management and business administration or to access new positions through a career change.
The Institute welcomes every year more than 450 employed adults in activity or job seekers.
Training to develop and maintain skills.
All the diplomas (3rd year of Bachelor's degree, 1st and 2nd year of Master's degree) are accessible in executive training, either within the framework of specific dedicated Master's degree, or in mixed programmes combining basic training and executive training. (Offer link)
The vast majority of our programmes offer an educational rhythm to reconcile training and professional / personal obligations.
Train and support your employees
Business managers, human resources director, training and skills development manager, you would like to take advantage of your skills development plan to evolve your organisation, support and sustain the career of your employees, the Executive Training team and all the teacher-researchers are mobilising to study the most adapted training solutions to meet your expectations and your constraints.
Financing your training
The Personal Training Account (CPF) allows its holder to benefit from training to:
- Promote access to lifelong vocational training, regardless of status (employee, job seeker)
- Contribute to the acquisition of a first level of qualification or the development of skills and qualifications.
If you are an employee, you can benefit from the Personal Training Account (CPF) if the training concerned is registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications. To check it, visit the website https://www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr
The CPF of public officials
The CPF for public officials came into effect on January 1st, 2017. The training courses must allow access to a qualification or the development of the skills necessary for the implementation of a professional development project. The mobilisation of the CPF must facilitate functional and / or geographical mobility, promotion, career change (including to the private sector), prevention of incapacity.
The CPF of professional transition
Since January 1st 2019, the vocational transition Personal Training Account (CPF) has been taking over the individual training leave, as part of the vocational training reform (learn more)
The Pro-A
The professionalisation period ends on January 1st, 2019. It is replaced by another device, the Pro-A, allowing alternating periods in the company and periods in training. (Learn more)
The Skills Development Plan
If you are an employee, you can benefit from your company's skills development plan. (Learn more)
The Personal Training Account
The CPF succeeds the Individual Right to Training (DIF). At the initiative of the person, the CPF allows to benefit from training in order to:
- Promote the access of its holder (private law employment contract) to lifelong vocational training, regardless of their status (employee, job seeker)
- Contribute to the acquisition of a first level of qualification or the development of skills and qualifications.
If you are a job seeker, you can mobilise your Personal Training Account (CPF) through your Activity Account. (Learn more)
Additional funding agencies
If you are a job seeker, these partners are likely to finance your training project, depending on your situation:
- Employment Agency
- Cap Emploi / AGEFIPH : Association de Gestion des Fonds pour l'insertion professionnelle des Personnes Handicapées ("Association for the Management of Funds for the Integration of Disabled Persons")
- GRAND EST Regional Council: if you live in the area
Skill Operators (OPCO)
You contribute to an OPCO which can cover part of the cost of your training. (Learn more)
Anyone interested in executive training can cover the educational costs of their training themselves.
The Skills Development Plan
As of January 1st, 2019, the skills development plan replaces the training plan. It allows employees to follow training actions at the initiative of their employer, as opposed to training that they can follow on their own initiative through their personal training account.
It can consist of two types of actions:
- mandatory or necessary training actions which are those that condition the exercise of an activity or a function in application of an international convention or legal and regulatory provisions. They constitute effective working time and give rise to the maintenance of remuneration by the employer;
- training actions other than those above they are also effective working time and give rise to the maintenance of remuneration, except when they take place outside working time. (Learn more)
Skill Operators (OPCO)
On April 1st 2019, eleven skills operators (OCPO), responsible for supporting vocational training, were approved. They replace the former approved joint collecting bodies (OPCA).
The tasks of these skills operators are to finance apprenticeships, help industries to build professional certifications and support SMEs to define their training needs.
Validation of Prior Learning
(articles D 613-38 to 50 of the education code)
The Validation of Professional and Personal Achievements (VAPP) allows direct access to a university education without having the required diploma, by validating professional experience (employed or not), training courses followed or personal achievements developed throughout life. To benefit from this, you must be at least 20 years old on the date scheduled to resume your studies and have interrupted your studies for at least two years.
The VAPP leads eligible candidates to submit a file (accompanied by supporting documents). The main purpose of this file is to put into perspective the skills acquired in relation to those required for training. The executive department of the IAE accompanies candidates entering this process.
After the file has been compiled, the VAPP commission decides whether or not to exempt the candidate from the level of diploma required for access to the chosen training. The VAPP does not exempt from any other possible selection criteria for entry into training (tests, selection on interview...).
Download the VAPP folder
(articles R613-33 to 37 of the education code)
The accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) is a way of obtaining a diploma, a title or a certificate based on experience, of a minimum duration of one year, which has allowed you to acquire skills from work situations, at a certain level of autonomy or responsibility, in a given professional sector. Those skills can cover in whole or in part the frame of reference of a diploma (bachelor's, master's, doctorate). This experience, in direct connection with the targeted certification, is validated by a jury. Our diplomas, registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP), are accessible by the APEL.
A candidate for the APEL can only submit one application during the same calendar year and for the same diploma, title or certificate. For different diplomas, titles or certificates, he may submit no more than three applications in the same calendar year.
Link?? APEL UL Procedure + download the APEL UL brochure
Advice & Support
You are an employee or a job seeker
Most of the IAE Metz diplomas are available for executive training, subject to prerequisites or Validation of Professional and Personal Achievements (VAPP).
You would like to realise a training project to acquire or develop your skills, optimise a retraining process, realise the recommendations of a competency assessment, reflection with an executive training advisor is an important step in the successful implementation of a resumption of study or validation of prior learning…
Would you like to be contacted by an advisor, to present your project, receive advice on the different educational modalities, mobilise funding? Fill out the form below:
You are a company manager, HR manager, training manager
We offer you to design together the training of your employees. The philosophy of our programs is based on an educational approach at the heart of the challenges of the professional world, backed by a very active research activity within the school and anchored on corporate practice in order to train people able to respond to the challenges of tomorrow.
We offer in our programs a transversal vision of management with strong educational convictions. Our ambition is to focus on teaching the fundamentals of management necessary for professional development.
If you would like to be contacted by an advisor, to present your project, discuss collaboration opportunities, fill out the form below, a training advisor will contact you quickly:
