For several years, our school has been engaged in a certification process. We are currently Qualicert SGS and BSIS certified.
During the 2018-2019 academic year, the IAE Metz School of Management took the step of conducting the Business School Impact System (BSIS) study. The BSIS is an approach to measure the different impacts that a management school can have on its environment. This approach has given rise to a report presenting the various impacts of the IAE Metz on its territory.

BSIS, where Business School Impact System, is a device initially created by the FNEGE (National Foundation for the Teaching of Business Management). The BSIS "is defined as a tool and an approach to measure the different impacts that a management school can have on its environment in financial terms, in terms of jobs, in terms of activities, in intellectual terms as comprehensively as possible.
It is not only a question of trying to assess the direct impacts, in the financial sense, but also of identifying all the activities of a school that contribute to the development of its environment. Such an approach is complementary to existing accreditation processes insofar as it aims, not to define compliance with a standard, but to assess the impact of a Business School on its environment taking into account its particularities and its role."
The BSIS is based on the definition of an "impact zone" on which the audit will be based. The impact zone defined for the IAE Metz corresponds to the territory of the metropolis of Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, Luxembourg, as well as Paris (training relocated to La Défense) and Agadir (partnership established for 20 years with Universiapolis - International University of Agadir).
The audit conducted with the Lorraine Management Innovation Collegium spanned an entire year (2018 -2019) and involved all the IAE Metz teams (teachers and administrators).
We discover that the IAE Metz by its geographical location trains management students for the neighbouring regions of Luxembourg and Germany. A highly invested IAE in Lorraine and the Greater Region with an impact of retention and attraction. Indeed, half of the students come from Lorraine and the other half from other regions and neighbouring countries. In addition, 40% of graduates work in Lorraine. The IAE Metz has a wide range of programs including several training courses oriented "professions": Health Management, Property Management, Hotel Management and Entrepreneurship.
The impact in research is also important with 300 publications by teacher-researchers between 2015 and 2018 and two university chairs (the Entrepreneurship Chair and the Property Chair), not to mention the many events organised on the territory so that academic creation has a managerial impact on companies.
We learn that the IAE Metz has a total financial impact on its region which amounts to almost 89 million euros. This total financial impact includes 3 types of calculation: direct financial impact, indirect financial impact and induced financial impact (details on the calculations are given in the report). The IAE Metz is located in the centre of an ecosystem that brings together academic networks in Lorraine, France and abroad and active public and private professional networks which translates into tangible results in teaching and research for the benefit of the entire economic and social fabric of the impact zone. The impact on the territory is also visible to the eye "tailor-made" degrees designed with and for companies.
The IAE Metz establishes contacts with companies in different ways, this can be seen from reading the results of the audit. On the one hand, that's almost 200 professionals who intervene each year within the training courses of the IAE Metz allowing to share their experiences, skills and knowledge to students. On the other hand, it is also professionals, job seekers who come every year to train at the IAE Metz. Indeed, depending on the years 40 to 45% of the staff of the IAE concerns executive training. The IAE Metz is also at the origin of numerous initiatives aimed at companies in order to meet their needs and to circulate research work: chairs dedicated to companies, workshops, conferences…
The impact on companies is also the internships and professional integration of the school's students. Every year, on average, the IAE Metz counts 96 internships in Bachelor's degree, 56 internships in 1st year of Master's degree and 158 internships in 2nd year of Master's degree (excluding executive training and professionalisation contract). These internships are valued in the report, giving rise to the following figures: the internships correspond to 124 full-time equivalents that can be valued for the impact area at 1.817 million euros. Regarding the integration rate of IAE Metz students, it is at 18 months of 92% with a professional Bachelor's degree and 87% with a Master's degree.
The impact on companies is also visible on the side of students who create or take over companies. The IAE Metz is a precursor on entrepreneurship with the creation in 1998 of a post-graduate diploma "Entrepreneurship". More than 20 years later, IAE Metz has more than 80 student entrepreneurs and more than 30 companies in incubation. Like Lucile Mignot, student-entrepreneur in 2nd year of Master's degree Digital Marketing at IAE Metz and founder of Findest.
The accessibility of the school to the students of the territory from all backgrounds, allowing them to carry out higher studies and to insert themselves professionally makes it possible to affirm that the IAE Metz a real social elevator.
The IAE Metz as a component of the University of Lorraine is part of the university's development and social responsibility policy (Establishment project 2018-2022).
In terms of CSR, teaching modules on Sustainable Development are integrated into several master's degrees as well as mandatory educational projects in 3rd year of Bachelor's degree and 1st year of Master's degree around raising awareness of humans, major humanitarian causes and the animal cause.

Qualicert - SGS
The IAE of Metz obtained on May 27th, 2008 the certification of services "QUALICERT" issued by the certifying body SGS ICS – sgsgroup.fr - 29 Av Aristide Briand 94111 Arcueil CEDEX - as part of its university training and research activity. This certification was renewed on 24/08/2022.
This label is the guarantee for the students of the IAE of METZ and the companies that trust it, of a constant improvement in the quality of the services offered.
It attests to compliance with the characteristics recorded in the Reference Document "University training and research activity in the field of management sciences and management" (OJ n ° 132 of June 8th, 2005) namely:
- Basic and executive training with high added value
- Competent teaching and administrative teams
- A proven academic research activity
- Pedagogical modalities specific to management sciences and management
- Networks and partnerships with the economic and social world
- An international opening
- Training courses implemented in a stimulating intellectual and cultural context
- Reliable information for students and businesses
- Quality improvement.