- Level:
- Bac + 4
- Schedule:
- From September to mid-March
- Basic training:
- Yes
- School(s):
- IAE Metz School of Management
- Year:
- 1st year of Master's degree
- Hours of training:
- 400h
- Sandwich course:
- Yes
- Executive training:
- Yes
- CPF mobilisation:
- No
- Next school year:
- September 2022
- Internship:
- 616h to 924h
- RNCP code:
- 35907
The Master's degree is registrated as State Degree in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP code 35907). It is certified level 7.
The first year of the Master's degree in Marketing and Sales consists of a common core and teaching units to be chosen from the following themes:
- Digital Marketing
- Marketing and Product Development
- Marketing and Development of Hotel Services
This master's degree is offered as a double degree with the University of Passau (Germany), the first year taking place in Passau, and the second in Metz (for any information, contact Click here to show mail address).
The first year of the Master's degree in Marketing and Sales has the following objectives:
- Delivering a solid training on all management disciplines.
- Offering students a choice of complementary courses to prepare them for the second year of the Master's degree in Marketing and Sales' programme, depending on the path followed: either Marketing and Development of Hotel Services, or Marketing and Development of Products.
Validation of your 1st year of Master's degree in Marketing and Sales allows you to access one of the Master's courses in Marketing and Sales by right.
Find out more about the second year of the Master's degree in Marketing and Sales
- 2nd year of Master's degree in Digital Marketing
- 2nd year of Master's degree Marketing and Product Development
- 2nd year of Master's degree in Marketing and Development of Hotel Services
Educational manager
- Mathieu KACHA
- Click here to show mail address
- Sandrine HEITZ-SPAHN
- Click here to show mail address
Students can choose the status that best suits their objectives: classical training with internship, sandwich course training under a professionalisation or apprenticeship contract, each course can be followed in 1st year and / or 2nd year. The student who does not find a host company during the first month of the training automatically switches to the status of classic student with full-time internship at the end of the training.
Regardless of the status chosen, all courses take place on a sandwich course basis (approximately every other week from Monday to Saturday). They take place between mid-September and the end of March for 1st year students. For students in the classical cycle, the internship can be carried out either on a sandwich course basis from the beginning of the year, or full-time after the end of the courses, respecting the minimum and maximum planned durations.
This training is also open to people in the field of executive training.
The work experience must be carried out in a host company on assignments consistent with the course followed. This work experience ends with a report at the end of the year.
Training's programme
Common core
Understanding individual and collective actions (50h - 6 ECTS)
- In-depth study of consumer behaviour
- Organisational theories
Studying and anticipating the market (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Market research
- Sales forecasts
Managing commercial interactions (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Sales force management (in English)
- Marketing Purchase-Sales (in English)
Applied research (50h and 75h projects - 6 ECTS)
- Project Management
- Tutored project
- Business English
Mastering digital tools (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Strategic Marketing
- In-depth operational marketing (in English)
Understanding marketing and management interactions (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Marketing and finance
- Computer science and information system
Accompanying professional workshops (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Internship / thesis and tutored projects
- Business English
- Second language option Spanish / German
- Research methodology
Elective teaching units
Marketing and Development of Hotel Services choice:
Designing the offer in the hotel and catering industry (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Range, products and services in the hotel and catering industry
- Development of the offer and specificities of the H/R service (in English)
Digital marketing choice:
Marketing in the digital era (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Concepts and models of e-business
- Mobile marketing and e-commerce
Marketing and Product Development choice:
Designing and displaying innovation (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Diagnosis, adoption and diffusion of innovations
- Qualitative data processing (in English)
Marketing and Development of Hotel Services choice:
Designing the accommodation offer (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Supply and management of accommodation (in English)
- Specificities and innovation of the accommodation offer
Creating the catering offer (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Culinary creativity/product design in catering
- Culinary production and marketing
Digital marketing choice:
Mastering computer tools for digital technology (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Web design and introduction to digital language
- Network architecture
Mastering digital investigation tools (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Qualitative investigation tools
- Webanalytics (in English)
Marketing and Product Development choice:
Mastering study tools (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Processing of quantitative data
- Studies for new products
Designing an innovation strategy (50h - 6 ECTS)
- Marketing intelligence and forecasting
- Legal aspects and competitive strategy of innovation
Sandwich course
The 1st year of Master's degree in Marketing and Sales can be carried out as part of an apprenticeship contract or a professionalisation contract.
In the case of a professionalisation or apprenticeship contract starting in 1st year of Master's degree, the student must complete the contract over the two years of the Master's degree (1st year and 2nd year).
Executive training
The 1st year of Master's degree in Marketing and Sales is accessible within the framework of a resumption of studies in executive training process or in a process of validation of acquired experience (VAE).
Discover the different measures for employees, job seekers and self-employed workers
- Hold a Bac+3 level degree (180 ECTS) preferably in Management Sciences, Economics, Economic and Social Administration, Applied Languages, Law...
- For executives and job seekers that do not hold those degrees: be able to demonstrate good professional experience and executive status in order to assert a Validation of Professional Knowledge (VAP)
- Application file to be completed on ecandidat.univ-lorraine.fr
- Review of the application file
- If eligible, selection interview
For applicants from Campus France, please consult this page: https://www.campusfrance.org/fr/candidature-procedure-etudes-en-france
Application period
Registration fees
Registration fees for national degrees are set each year by ministerial decree. Registration fees are re-evaluated by the ministry for each academic year.
Documents to download


Discover the other possibilities of the Master's degree in Marketing Sales:
2nd year of Master's degree in Marketing and Product Development
2nd year of Master's degree in Digital Marketing
Master 2 Marketing et communication du point de vente
Frequently asked questions
The SIM test is only required for the applications in 3rd Year of Bachelor’s degree in Management, for the applications in 1st year of Master's degree in Human Resources Management and for the applications in 1st year of Master's degree in Marketing.
Our school is not concerned by Parcoursup, our schooling start at Bac+3 level.
IAE Metz School of Management is a public university school.
Sandwich course includes 2 types of contracts: the contract of apprenticeship and the professional training contract. The duration of the two contracts can vary from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 36 months. For further information, you can contact the Sandwich course department or view the dedicated page.
To get in touch with the different departments of IAE Metz, you can refer to our directory see directory