
Objective of the Chair
The Entrepreneurship Chair aims to understand the complexity of entrepreneurship, to give it to understand also and to propose tools to facilitate the action of the actors of entrepreneurship.
Interest of the Chair
The Chair highlights the involvement and the quality of the research carried out by the Chairholder and their team in the field of Entrepreneurship at the IAE of Metz and, more generally, at the University of Lorraine.
Christophe Schmitt is Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Lorraine (France, at the IAE of Metz, European Research Centre for Financial Economics and Business Management - CEREFIGE). He holds the Chair of Entrepreneurship and is responsible for the Lorraine Student Entrepreneurship Centre (PeeL). He is also an associate professor at the Louvain School of Management (Belgium) and the Haute Ecole de Gestion de Fribourg (Switzerland). Most of his articles and books are underpinned by the notion of value conception and the construction of knowledge for action, as well as the development of entrepreneurial practices.
History of the Chair
Origin of the Chair
Created in 2011 on the initiative of the President of the University of Metz and the PRES of the University of Lorraine, the Chair has enabled the development of PeeL (Lorraine Student Entrepreneurship Centre). Based on an international study on the relationship between University and Entrepreneurship in 22 countries, the Chair supported the implementation of an innovative device aimed at the development of entrepreneurial culture within the University of Lorraine.
The development of the Chair
Since 2011, the Chair has developed research on PeeL's activities and methods. In addition, she has carried out research on various topics such as new forms of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, and entrepreneurship support.
News and future of the Chair
The research team continues to grow both in terms of the team and the topics covered. The Chair enjoys territorial, national and international recognition.
The Chair's productions
The aim is to be able to accompany the coordinator of the work from the beginning to its publication. The work considered consists of 50 hours for a 200 page book.
11 books have been published since the origins of the Chair:
- 2020 : Nouvelles perspectives en entrepreneuriat : Du modèle du télégraphe au modèle de l'orchestre (C. Schmitt)
- 2019 : Aide-mémoire - Entrepreneuriat (C. Schmitt)
- 2019 : Entrepreneuriat, concepts, méthodes, actions (C. Schmitt)
- 2018 : Entreprendre, donner à voir pour donner envie (C. Schmitt)
- 2017 : La fabrique de l'entrepreneuriat (C. Schmitt)
- 2016 : De la complexité de l’action dans les organisations (dirigé par C. Schmitt)
- 2015 : L’Agir entrepreneurial. Repenser l’action des entrepreneurs (C. Schmitt)
- 2014 : Université et Entrepreneuriat, l’expérience lorraine (C. Schmitt, L. Gomez, J. Husson)
- 2012 : Réussir sa création d’entreprise sans business plan (L.J. Filion, C. Ananou, C. Schmitt)
- 2012 : Nouvelles perspectives en entrepreneuriat : de la pratique aux activités entrepreneuriales (C. Schmitt, P. Lièvre)
- 2012 : La valeur des produits et des services en PME (2e édition), (C. Schmitt)
More than twenty articles have been published in national and international scientific journals by the members of the Entrepreneurship Chair. Some examples:
- SCHMITT C., HUSSON J., Entrepreneurial situations : definition and interests for entrepreneurial research, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol 30, n° 1, pp. 22–37
- D. NOBILE, J.HUSSON, L’orientation entrepreneuriale d’une collectivité territoriale vue à travers le prisme d’une démarche d’accompagnement, Revue Management & Avenir
- SCHMITT C., HUSSON J., NOBILE D., Design as part of entrepreneurial cognition, International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering, Vol. 4, Nos. ¾, p.157-176
- SCHMITT C., La place de l’action dans la recherche en entrepreneuriat : pour le développement d’un agir entrepreneurial, Projectics / Proyéctica / Projectique 2015/3 (n°15), p. 113-128.
- MOLINA SANCHEZ R., SCHMITT C., The processes of the paradoxical dissonance and design for entrepreneurship action: a contribution to the studies of the paradigm of complexity, Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies and Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 9 (September- 2016), p. 19-32
The members of the Chair regularly participate in scientific conferences at national and international level. In addition to this commitment, the Entrepreneurship Chair has supported two international conferences:
- 2017 : Colloque Projectique / Entreprendre dans les organisations (60 researchers, 10 nationalities)
- 2014 : Le Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME (CIFEPME) (120 researchers, 21 nationalities)
The Chair in the spotlight
Since its creation, the Entrepreneurship Chair has received, through its holder and the members of its team, various awards.
Prize for the best book in management EFMD-FNEGE for the book L'Agir Entrepreneurial, Repenser l'action des entrepreneurs, Presses of the University of Québec (2015)
Each year, the FNEGE awards a label to management books considered to be benchmarks in their field. 6 works have been awarded this label:
- De la complexité de l’action dans les organisations ;
- L’Agir entrepreneurial. Repenser l’action des entrepreneurs ;
- Réussir sa création d’entreprise sans business plan;
- La fabrique de l'entrepreneuriat;
- Aide-Mémoire : Entrepreneuriat;
- Nouvelles perspectives en entrepreneuriat.
- NOBILE D., SCHMITT C., HUSSON J., L’orientation entrepreneuriale comme vecteur d’accompagnement d’un élu local, Colloque CIFEPME, octobre 2014. Award for the best communication with policy potential;
- GALLAIS M., SCHMITT. C., HUSSON J., Le sens giratoire, le chameau et le facilitateur: quels apports pour l’accompagnement de porteurs d’opportunités d’affaires ?, Colloque CIFEPME, octobre 2012. Award for the best communication with policy potential.
Since 2016, Christophe SCHMITT has been appointed Chairman of the Permanent Scientific Committee of AIREPME
The Chair for International Business
The development of international relations allows the Chair to not only disseminate its work but also to develop scientific collaborations. Here are some examples of international collaborations:
In conjunction with the Fribourg School of Management (HEG), a Summer School on innovation in entrepreneurship has been developed, as well as research on exporting.
Through collaboration with the Leuven Business School, work on critical approaches to entrepreneurship has been developed.
2 universities collaborate with the Chair in Entrepreneurship, Polytecnico of Mexico and the University of Celaya. The first one focuses on social and solidarity entrepreneurship and the second on value creation in entrepreneurship.
With the University Saint-Esprit of Kaslik (USEK), the work focuses on training doctoral students in entrepreneurship and on the actionability of knowledge to be related to the labour market.
Historically, collaborations have been developed with Universiapolis in Agadir, particularly around the teaching of entrepreneurship both in terms of the audience and methods. In addition to these collaborations, work with the Hassan II University of Casablanca has been carried out in recent years on entrepreneurial cognition.