IAE Metz School of Management

IAE Metz
IAE Metz School of Management

The University School of Management of the Metz Eurometropolis

The IAE Metz School of Management has been the University School of Management of the Metz Eurometropolis for over 30 years. It is a member of IAE France which federates today 36 IAE on the whole national territory.

Founded in 1988, the IAE Metz offers its 1400 students each year training courses leading to national diplomas, from the 3rd year of a Bachelor's degree to a Master's degree in the fields of management: human resources, digital, property, innovation, finance, logistics, health, marketing, quality, management control, auditing, hotel management, Franco-German.The IAE Metz actively participates in the training and development of managers in companies. The school welcomes more than 350 professionals each year in the framework of lifelong learning. Its anchorage in the socio-economic fabric of the Greater Region and its international openness, in particular in French-German and French-Luxembourg, ensure that its students have an exceptional professional integration.

The school adapts daily to the realities and needs of the professional world and companies: sandwich course, long internships, executive training, case studies and professional certifications. The professionalisation of the courses is reinforced by a network of more than 350 professionals who teach alongside the school's team of teacher-researchers. The research activities of IAE Metz are conducted at the Lorraine Management Research Laboratory of the University of Lorraine (CEREFIGE) by 28 teacher-researchers.  They guarantee the quality of teaching and degrees, contribute to the enrichment of knowledge and help to imagine the management of tomorrow. IAE Metz holds 3 chairs: the European Real Estate Management chair, the health chair and the entrepreneurship chair.

And since there is no IAE spirit without a rich student life, the school supports the dynamics of the associative life and the student projects! The academic year is punctuated by student projects integrated into the teaching. They allow students to work in multidisciplinary groups on concrete subjects (humanitarian, sports, cultural, etc.) and thus put their lessons into practice. The school's Junior-Enterprise also gives students the opportunity to get involved in practice by carrying out various assignments for companies. The AEMI (Management Students' Association of IAE Metz) organises several events throughout the year allowing students to integrate, invest and develop in the life of the school. IAE Metz graduates represent a large network led by the IAE Metz Alumni Association. Each year, it offers several events for graduates and students to meet and exchange ideas.


IAE Metz Council

College of Teachers and Related Occupations

College of Other Teaching and Related Personnel

Management Science Lecturer, IAE Metz corporate relations and partnerships manager

BIATSS Staff College

College of Users


Colleges of External Persons

Representative of the President of the Metz Eurometropole
Maire de Metz et Président de l'Eurométropole., Représentant du Conseil Régional Grand-Est
Representative of the President of the Moselle Departmental Board or their
Emmanuel LEBEAU
Représentant du Conseil Economique et Social Grand Est
Stéphane HEIT
Representative of the President of FNAIM Moselle
Crystel GANDAR
Representative of the President of Luxembourg University
Representative of the President of Moselle's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Fabrice GENTER
Representative of the President of IAE Metz Alumni Association
Murielle KELLER
Representative of the President of Luxembourg's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Muriel MORBE
Philippe BELLO, Président du Conseil de l'IAE Metz
Philippe BELLO, Président du Conseil de l'IAE Metz
IAE Metz Board Chair, CEO of Manquillet Parizel
Philippe BELLO
Regional Manager of SECAFI Group's Eastern Unit
BPALC digital and innovation ecosystems manager
Jacqueline SCHNEIDER
FC METZ Managing Director
Chargé de mission de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche au Département de la Moselle
Arnaud RIVET

Permanent guests

Sales manager, Network and Bank Department Lorraine - La Poste


Management Committee

Management Science Lecturer, IAE Metz corporate relations and partnerships manager

Study Council

Administrative and teaching staff

Organisation chart

Organigramme IAE Metz
Organigramme-IAE-Metz.pdf (125.47 KB)
Organigramme IAE Metz
Download the document

Some figures

in 21/22
involved in our training courses
Etudiant formation continue
learners in executive training
teachers-researchers (EC)
university chairs
Entrepreneurship, Real Estate & Health Management
student entrepreneurs
Page updated on Thu, 06/30/2022 - 12:08