Omar Bentahar
University professor
Office : 114
Laboratory : CEREFIGE
Fields of expertise : Project management, Supply chain management, Health management, Information systems
Research topics : Management of complex projects, Digitalisation, Supply chain innovation, Egov projects, Mixed research methods
Sectors : Health, Construction, Industry, IT
Alma mater : University of Caen Normandie (Doctorate) & University of Lorraine (HDR : Habilitation to direct research)
Social networks


Omar BENTAHAR holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Caen Normandy (2011). He is an University Lecturer in Project and Supply Chain Management at the University of Lorraine. He is in charge of the Master's degree in business management and administration and creator/manager of the Master's degree in project management at the IAE Metz. He is co-founder of the international conference PROLOG: "Project & Logistics " and also co-founder of the project list "Transitions" which he represents as an elected deputy member at CNU 06. Researcher at CEREFIGE, his research focuses on the management of complex projects, innovation, supply chain digitalisation and health logistics. His research is published in journals such as: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Logistique & Management and Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review...

Functions / Responsibilities

  • Since 2020: Senior Lecturer HDR, University of Lorraine
  • 2012 - 2020: Senior Lecturer, University of Lorraine
  • 2010-2012: Temporary Lecturer and Researcher, University of Nantes

Educational management

  • Head of the Management and Business Administration field.
  • Educational manager of:


Co-founder of the international PROLOG conference


Journal articles

Special issue

Book sections

Scientific blog post

Habilitation à diriger des recherches


Conference papers


Page updated on Mon, 11/07/2022 - 09:53