Your registration at the IAE Metz - University of Lorraine, allows you to have access to many tools and software.
To have access to the digital tools, you must have activated your university computer account. If you have not activated it, you can perform the activation by going to the Sesame service.
WIFI access
All the campuses of the University of Lorraine are equipped with WiFi.
To connect to the wifi network, you can either use the "University of Lorraine" network or the "EDUORAM" network
Go to the list of available WiFi networks displayed on your computer, then select the network "University of Lorraine". Once logged in, open your internet browser, the identification page of the University of Lorraine will appear. Use your login details to log in
The "EDUORAM" network allows you to connect to wifi on the campuses of the University of Lorraine but also on the campuses and premises of the University's partners.
To connect, select "EDUORAM" from the list of available wifi networks on your computer. You will be asked for a login and password. For your login, use your UL ID (ex: dupont1u) followed by @etu.univ-lorraine.fr: dupont1u@etu.univ-lorraine.fr. The password is that of your digital workspace of the University of Lorraine.
Office 365
Since 2017, students at the University of Lorraine have been able to download Microsoft Office 365 for free. You can benefit from Office 365 on your personal equipment up to a limit of 5 PCs/Macs, plus 5 Windows tablets/iPads, plus 5 smartphones.
When you leave the establishment your account will be deactivated and the Office suites will no longer be usable.
To install the software, go to the following page:
To log in, you must use your username followed by @etu.univ-lorraine.fr (example: dupont1u@etu.univ-lorraine.fr ) and your password. Once identified, you can proceed to download the software you want.
If you prefer to use free software, you can use the Libre Office suite:
Microsoft Teams
To follow your online courses you will need Microsoft Teams.
You can download it through the website:
To log in, please use your username followed by @etu.univ-lorraine.fr (example: Click here to show mail address).
Virt'UL is a digital service that allows you to freely access the software you need for your courses, practical work or projects, directly on your computer. The portal can be accessed at any time from any computer equipment:
To log in, you must use your login details from your digital workspace.
When using it for the first time, it is necessary to install the Citrix Workspace client from the following link:
Ulysse is a search engine offered by the university libraries of the University of Lorraine. There you can find books, journals, scientific articles, dissertations from reliable sources. Ulysse also offers press articles, comics, novels, DVDs and more.
You can access the documents online, but also extend your loans, book books and pick up your reserved documents at a university library of your choice.
Rocketchat is an online chat tool (chat) where you can chat in real time via private messages, chat channels (private or public) and private groups. The service is open to people with a computer account at the University of Lorraine - staff and students. The connection is made thanks to your main username (dupont1u) and all the data is stored on the servers of the University of Lorraine. All users have access to the #general channel.
You can connect to the platform via the following link: