Veasna Khim is a lecturer in Management Sciences at the University of Lorraine, in Applied Foreign Languages, then at the IAE of Metz and a researcher at the European Research Centre for Financial Economics and Business Management (CEREFIGE). He is a former researcher at the CRP Henri Tudor in Luxembourg (now Luxembourg Institute of Sciences and Technology)
Head of the 1st year of Master's degree in International Finance and Management Control and Organisational Audit at the IAE of Metz, his areas of research are Market Finance, with a specialisation in portfolio management, the study of investment funds and the collective savings management industry.
Functions / Responsibilities
- Since 2013: Lecturer in Management Science
- 2013 - 2016 : Head of Master's degree in Foreign Language Finance and International Management, UFR LEA Metz
- Since 2016: Head of Master's degree in Finance and CGAO IAE Metz
- Since 2021: Deputy Head of the scientific priority "Territory, Information and Financial Industry" at CEREFIGE(Territoire, informations et industrie financière - CEREFIGE (univ-lorraine.fr)
- Since 2021: member of the steering committee of the Digital Finance Economy Chair (EFNUM), University of Lorraine (Territoire, informations et industrie financière - CEREFIGE (univ-lorraine.fr)
Educational management
Journal articles
Scale and skills in European active management: Impact of a new regulatory context
Veasna Khim, Hery Razafitombo
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2023, 154, pp.106963. ⟨10.1016/j.jbankfin.2023.106963⟩
Conference papers
Actively Managed European funds in a new regulatory context: Scale effects and performance dynamics
Hery Razafitombo, Veasna Khim
French Finance Association Conference, Jun 2019, Laval, Canada
Actively Managed European funds in a new regulatory context: Scale effects and performance dynamics
Hery Razafitombo, Veasna Khim
International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Jul 2019, Nice, France
Vers de nouveaux modes de financement des collectivités locales
Hery Razafitombo, Veasna Khim
Projectique symposium, Mar 2018, Agadir, Maroc
Book sections
Dynamique de la performance des fonds d’investissement immobiliers européens
Hery Razafitombo, Veasna Khim
Rasolofo-Distler F. Manager l’immobilier dans la complexité, PUN, 2018, 978-2814305281
Dynamique des flux d'investissement en OPCVM sur le marché français : stratégies du promoteur et conflits d'intérêts avec l'investisseur
Veasna Khim
Gestion et management. Université de Lorraine, 2012. Français. ⟨NNT : 2012LORR0064⟩