A look back at the Colloquium on the Renewal of Hospital Management and the Adaptability of Health Organisations

3 May 2022 Research
A look back at the Colloquium on the Renewal of Hospital Management and the Adaptability of Health Organisations

On Thursday 24th March 2022, the colloquium  "Renewal of Hospital Management and Adaptability of Health Organisations" took place at the FC Metz Stadium, organised by the Health Chair of the IAE Metz School of Management and the CEREFIGE laboratory. A day that allowed everyone to take a cross-sectional look at managerial practices in a post-Covid hospital world: carers, health professionals, doctors, department heads, etc.

More than 250 participants took part in the event. A day punctuated by various round tables and workshops with speakers such as Olivier Bogillot, President of Sanofi France and Doctor of Economics, Nathalie Colin-Oesterlé, Member of the European Parliament, and Gaëtan Casanova, President of the National Inter-Syndicate of Public Health and Intensive Care Interns.

Book "Portraits d’acteurs clés du système de santé pendant la Covid-19"


The colloquium was also an opportunity for Thierry Nobre, University Professor in Management Sciences and Julien Husson, University Professor in Management Sciences and holder of the Health Chair, to share the release of their latest book "Portraits d’acteurs clés du système de santé pendant la Covid-19". 350 pages which draw up the portraits of those who were close to the virus: The aim of this book, beyond paying a real tribute to the personnel of the health world, is also to put into perspective the managerial evolutions that have followed this crisis of the Covid-19.

Discover the colloquium in pictures


Crédit photos : A. Krommenacker

Page updated on Tue, 05/03/2022 - 13:42