A nurse by training, her professional career took place in the public hospital service in the Grand Est region, then in Occitania and in the Centre Val de Loire region in successive positions as health executive, senior health executive, quality assurance manager and deputy director. In parallel to her activities and since 2003, she has been teaching in the Master's degree in Management of Organisations in the Health and Social sector, first at the ISAM IAE in Nancy and then at the IAE Metz School of Management in the field of quality and risk management.
She has a PhD in Management Sciences and is now a part-time associate lecturer in charge of the MOSS Master's programme. Since 2017, she has also been Deputy Director of the Nancy CHRU's care department, in charge of paramedical HR management for the care department and paramedical research
Functions / Responsibilities
- Since 2020: Associate Professor in charge of the MOSS Master Course
- Since 2017: PhD in Management Sciences
- Since 2017: Deputy Director - Nancy CHRU
Educational management
Conference papers
Innovation organisationnelle et bonnes pratiques de management
Sandrine Hayo-Villeneuve
Webinaire "L’innovation organisationnelle et managériale : un champ de recherche en plein essor", Groupement interrégional de recherche clinique et d'innovation - GIRCI Est, Mar 2022, En ligne, France
Etude des facteurs d'intégration d'un outil de gestion de la qualité dans une organisation hospitalière : apports de la théorie de la structuration
Sandrine Hayo-Villeneuve, Julien Husson
QUALITA' 2015, Mar 2015, Nancy, France
Journal articles
Intégrer un professionnel en situation de handicap
Sandrine Hayo-Villeneuve
Soins, 2020, 847
Une association évidente et efficiente : quand les cadres avancent main dans la main
Julie Galanti, Nathalie Fuger, Sandrine Hayo-Villeneuve
Objectif Soins et Management, 2019, 269
Book sections
Chapitre 5. La qualité au service du management des processus hospitaliers
Sandrine Hayo-Villeneuve, Julien Husson
Supply Chain Management de la santé, EMS Editions, pp.94-110, 2019, ⟨10.3917/ems.bent.2019.01.0094⟩