Aramis MARIN is a teacher-researcher attached to the IAE Metz School of Management and the European Research Centre for Financial Economics and Business Management (University of Lorraine). Industrial engineer, Doctor in Management, his work focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable local development. He is particularly interested in the development of entrepreneurial skills and the notions of experience, coaching and sustainable value creation. His expertise is in intervention research methods.
Functions / Responsibilities
- From 09/2019 to now- IAE Metz, University of Lorraine - Lecturer
- From 09/2018 to 08/2019 - IAE Metz, University of Lorraine - Full-time contract teacher
- From 09/2017 to 08/2018 - IAE Metz, University of Lorraine - Full time Temporary Lecturer and Researcher
- From 10/2016 to 08/2017 - IAE Metz, University of Lorraine - Part-time Temporary Lecturer and Researcher
- From 09/2015 to 06/2017 - SUAPS Nancy, University of Lorraine - Temporary instructor in charge of courses
- From 09/2015 to 06/2016 - "Yves Chalon" Language Centre, University of Lorraine - Receptionist
- 02/2014 - ICEV Consultores - Junior Consultant for the design of an innovation project from the 'Programa de Estímulo a la Innovación CONACYT', Mexico
- 01/2014 - ICEV Consultores - Junior consultant for the design of an innovation project from the 'Fondo Nacional del Emprendedor', Mexico
- 08/2013 - ICEV Consultores - Junior Consultant for the design of an innovation project from the 'Fondo PYME', Mexico
- 09/2013 - Grupo SINCRO - Junior consultant for the mapping of the legal department of an insurance company in Mexico City
- From 04 to 10/2013 - UPIICSA - IPN - Research Assistant to the Research and Postgraduate Department
Educational management
- Teacher referent
- "Sustainable Humanities" (DD&RS) correspondent at IAE Metz [Since 02/18/2021]
- Pedagogy and Digital Correspondent at IAE Metz [Since 02/12/2020]
- "Management" course of the "Economics-Management" portal (UFR DEA Metz, 1st and 2nd year of Bachelor's degree) [Since 09/2018]
- Pedagogical coordinator at the Lorraine Student Entrepreneurship Centre (PeeL) [Since 09/2017]
Conference papers
Entre valeurs profondes et pratiques quotidiennes : Regards d'entrepreneurs rêvant de construire l'avenir
Elen Riot, Caroline André, Jonathan Labbé, Anne Carbonnel, Aramis Marin
Journée de recherche RIPCO (Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements) - Comportements organisationnels positifs, Jun 2021, En ligne, France
De l'innovation pédagogique dans les enseignements de gestion : le cas de l’IAE Metz.
Aramis Marin, Fana Rasolofo-Distler, Béatrice Siadou-Martin
International Conference on Project Logistics, 2019, Agadir, Maroc
La creation de valeur de la supply chain à travers l’achat durable
Smaïl Benzidia, Omar Bentahar, Aramis Marin
SILOGIN, Nov 2018, Nantes, France
Book sections
L'accompagnement entrepreneurial et l'accompagnement spirituel: deux regards, une posture convergente
José Aramis Marin Pérez, Christophe Schmitt
Entrepreneuriat, spiritualité et religion, 2021, 9782807330290
L’entrepreneur social, créateur de valeur pour les produits du territoire
Aramis Marin, Christophe Schmitt
Didier Nobile, Aramis Marin. Management de la dynamique territoriale, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp.235-251, 2018, Organisations en action, 9782814305045
Management de la dynamique territoriale
Didier Nobile, Aramis Marin
PUN, 2018, 9782814305045
La construction de la valeur en entrepreneuriat social : proposition d’un modèle pour la conception d’une valeur globale
José Aramis Marin Pérez
Gestion et management. Université de Lorraine, 2017. Français. ⟨NNT : 2017LORR0285⟩