Christian Dianoux is Professor of Management Sciences at the University of Lorraine. He obtained his PhD from the University of Nancy 2 in 1999, and his Habilitation to Supervise Research in 2010 at the University of Nancy 2. He conducts research at the CEREFIGE laboratory (EA n°3942) and teaches at the IAE Metz School of Management where he directs the Marketing and Sales Master's degree. A member of the French Marketing Association and the Academy of Marketing Science, his research work focuses on the field of persuasive communication in organisations. They have been published in various international academic journals, and presented at numerous national and international conferences. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of International Marketing Review.
Functions / Responsibilities
- Since 2018 : University Professor in Management Sciences at the IAE Metz
Educational management
- Head of the Marketing and Sales field.
- Educational manager of :