Lecturer qualified to direct research in management science
Office : 111
Phone :
Fields of expertise : Logistics/Supply Chain Management, process quality, information system.
Research topics : Supplier/PSL relations, sustainable logistics, risk management, multi-criteria decision support.
Sectors : Health, industrial, logistics services.
Social networks


  • Habilitation to supervise research in Management Sciences (Logistics), University of Lorraine (2021) :

Title : "PSL selection process: the context of logistics outsourcing contracts", directed by Professor Gilles Paché, Aix-Marseille University.

  • PhD in Industrial Engineering, Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management (2005) :

Title : "Taking transport policies into account in the choice of suppliers", directed by Professor Pierre Ladet, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble (LAG).

  • Diploma of Advanced Studies in Industrial Engineering, Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management (2001):

Title : "Contribution of ERP to the management of partnership relations, an exploratory research", dirigé par Marie-Anne Le Dain (MCF-HDR) et le Professeur Richard Calvi, Laboratoire de Gestion Industrielle, Logistique & Conception (GILCO).

  • State Engineer in Industrial Engineering, Mohammedia School of Engineering (EMI) - Morocco : 

Title: "Expert system for the technico-economic evaluation of projects and assistance in financial diagnosis", directed by Professor Driss Ouazar.

Functions / Responsibilities

MCF-Habilitation to supervise research in Management Sciences, IAE Metz School of Management

Educational management

  • Head of the Management, Production, Logistics and Purchasing field.
  • Educational manager of :


Member of the editorial board of the following scientific journals:

  • Logistics & Management
  • Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal


Conference papers

Journal articles


Habilitation à diriger des recherches

Book sections


Page updated on Wed, 06/29/2022 - 13:09