News #48h00 pour innover Show filters Hide filters By tags By tagmaster 148h00 to innovatealumniAramis Marin-Perezentreprisehealth chairuniversity chairchallengeChristophe Schmittpartenaireconférenceuniversity degreedouble diplômeécodesignjobentrepreneurshiperasmuserasmus+ teachingétudiant-entrepreneurformation continueFranco-Germanfranco-ukrainienhôtellerieIAE Metz Alumniinternationaljournée portes ouvertesJulien HUSSONQuality ManagementProject Managementmarketing digitalMarketing et Développement des Services Hôtelierssales marketingmaster's degreemobilitémois des portes ouvertesMOSSSour training coursesNudge Challengepeelportes ouvertespressestudent projectsqualityresearchremise des diplômesSportvie étudiante Thematic (field_thematic) (entityreference filter) By thematicVie étudiante By year By year202520242023202220212020 13 December 2021 Student life A look back at the 22nd edition of "48 hours to bring ideas to life" (48h pour faire vivre des idées) in pictures A look back at the 22nd edition of the "48 hours to bring ideas to life" educational event which took place from November 25th to 27th at the IAE Read more