- Level:
- Bac + 5
- Schedule:
- -
- Basic training:
- Yes
- School(s):
- IAE Metz School of Management
- Year:
- 2nd year of Master's degree
- Hours of training:
- -
- Sandwich course:
- No
- Executive training:
- Yes
- CPF mobilisation:
- Yes
- Next school year:
- September 2022
- Internship:
- Minimum of 10 weeks
- Language(s):
- French
- RNCP code:
- 35917
The Master's degree is registrated as State Degree in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP code 35917). It is certified level 7.
The Master of Management "Consulting and Research Professions" is closely linked to the specialised Masters (HRM, Finance, Marketing and Sales,...) and enables students of each of these Masters to prepare for the jobs of researchers, market researchers, consultants or high-level executives in the research departments of administrations, large companies, financial institutions, etc. and thus acquire (depending on the teaching units selected) a second Master's degree, which complements the specialised Master's degree.
Training for and through research
In this perspective, students accepted in the Master's degree of Management "Consulting and Research Professions" will be confronted with concrete, theoretical and applied research, through the analysis of work and the writing of research reports in seminars, and the completion of a dissertation in the chosen speciality. In some cases, they can participate in work carried out within the laboratory (CEREFIGE), a host team for management sciences with substantial resources at their disposal: documentary databases, databases, software, etc.
The aim of the Master's degree in Management "Consulting and Research Professions" is to develop students' ability to carry out research work or study and consulting services by mastering scientific knowledge and methods.
The skills developed in the Master's degree in Management "Consulting and Research Professions", both theoretical and applied, can lead students to an academic career in university research, but also give them access to positions as company consultants, experts and high-level executives in companies, banks and administrations.
• Positions in the professions of the chosen speciality (marketing, finance, accounting, etc.)
• Teaching and research positions in universities and grandes écoles (engineering and business schools) in France and abroad;
• Major public and private research centres recruiting by application or competitive examination (CNRS, INSEE, CEA, etc.);
• Consulting and expertise firms (studies, management consulting, recruitment consulting, etc.);
• Research departments in large companies;
• Positions of responsibility in administrations or communities.
They are part of the professional activities of study and research in management:
• Ability to analyse, evaluate and report on management situations
• Mastery of management concepts and tools
• Mastery of the scientific approach and research methodologies
The Master's degree in Management "Consulting and Research Professions" is aimed, depending on the specialisation chosen, at candidates coming from...
• a 1st year of Master's degree in Management Sciences, Economics, Law (and in particular Business Law), Sociology, History, Computer Science Applied to Management (MIAGE), Cognitive Science, Political Science or any other Master's degree in the humanities or sciences after verification of prior learning
• the final year of a Business School degree in accordance with academic requirements
• the final year of an engineering school diploma in accordance with academic requirements
• For foreign candidates, a university diploma recognised as equivalent by international conventions to a 1st year of Master's level M1 issued by a French university and after verification of the experience in the chosen specialisation.
They are also available:
• to executive training students who have completed the 1st year of Master's degree
• to students in executive training who have been validated by the jury of the Commission for the Validation of Professional Experience Act 1985
• to students in executive training under the law of validation of acquired experience (APEL) law 2002
They will be admitted to the recruitment process after acceptance of the file examined by the Commission for the Validation of Experience (APEL) Act 2002
Educational manager
- Christophe SCHMITT
- Click here to show mail address
- Click here to show mail address
The research training modules and seminars are complemented by specialised courses from the Master's degrees in Finance, HRM, Marketing and Sales, etc. The programme allows students to acquire a double Master's degree by offering course units (UE) from disciplinary Masters (HRM, finance, marketing and sales, public management, CCA, entrepreneurship, etc.).
Students are required to produce a research thesis. It is the result of a complete research process: justification of the chosen theme, identification of the problem, development of hypotheses, choice of a methodology and research instruments, testing of the hypotheses, analysis of the results, putting the results into perspective.
One of the contributors in the Master's programme "Consulting and Research Professions" is responsible for monitoring and supervising this research work.
It is defended in front of at least two members of the teaching staff and possibly a professional.
Students are required to complete their thesis during an internship in a laboratory or in a company. The internship may be carried out in a university, public or private research laboratory or in the research departments of companies, in France or abroad. The thesis supervisor monitors the internship. The internship of at least 10 weeks is compulsory and is assessed indirectly through the thesis and its defence.
Training's programme
- Conducting a research project
- Professional practices
- Theories of and for the organisation
- Epistemology and scientific approaches
- Thematic research seminars (HRM, marketing, finance, etc.)
- Qualitative research methodologies
- Quantitative research methodologies
- Action research methodology
- Understanding of scientific documents
- Written and oral expression
- Collective memory follow-up
Executive training
The 2nd year of Master's degree in Consulting and Research Professions is accessible within the framework of a resumption of studies in executive training process or in a process of an accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL).
Discover the different measures for employees, job seekers and self-employed workers
2nd year of Master's degree in Consulting and Research Professions can be financed through your Personal Training Account
Access to the Master's degree of Management "Consulting and Research Professions" is subject to a selection procedure aimed at verifying the knowledge required for the pursuit of research and consultancy training in Management Sciences in the chosen speciality, motivation for research or consultancy, and a sufficient level of French.
- Application file on ecandidat.univ-lorraine.fr
- Application file study
- If eligible, selection interview
For Campus France candidates, please look this page up: https://www.campusfrance.org/fr/candidature-procedure-etudes-en-france
Application period
Registration fees
Registration fees for national degrees are set each year by ministerial decree. Registration fees are re-evaluated by the ministry for each academic year.
Documents to download

Frequently asked questions
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IAE Metz School of Management is a public university school.