- Level:
- Bac + 3
- Schedule:
- -
- Basic training:
- Yes
- School(s):
- IAE Metz School of Management
- Year:
- 3rd year of Bachelor's degree
- Hours of training:
- 584h
- Sandwich course:
- Yes
- Executive training:
- Yes
- CPF mobilisation:
- Yes
- Next school year:
- September 2022
- Internship:
- -
- Language(s):
- French
- RNCP code:
- 35924
The Bachelor's degree is registered by law as a State Degree in the National Directory of Professional Certification (RNCP Code 35924). It is certified level 6.
This training is also offered in Paris in partnership with the Ecole Supérieure de l'immobilier (FNAIM Paris) and in Rouen in partnership with GRETA Rouen.
In partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Moselle Métropole Metz.
The 3rd year of Bachelor's degree in Management specialisation Property Management Officer aims to train future managers of property management able, among other things, to:
- administer property on behalf of owners with the aim of maximum profitability
- implement the technical and administrative means of conservation and improvement of the heritage
- manage a team of direct or on-site collaborators
Two course choices are offered to students:
Course 1: Property Asset Management
Course 2: Property management of social housing
Job types: property agent, property asset manager, property technical advisor, property advisor, property administrator, building technical inspector, building management unit manager, building trustee.
Types of structures: property agency, social landlords, condominium trustees, developer builder, property management of companies, territorial collectivity, etc.
With regards to further studies, students holding the Bachelor's degree in Management specialisation Property Management Officer can choose between the various master's degree in the field of management and property offered at the University of Lorraine, mainly at IAE Metz and IAE Nancy, as well as master's degrees offered by other Universities in France and Europe.
Educational manager
- Evelyne BIRNBAUM
- Click here to show mail address
- Click here to show mail address
Accessible after a bac + 2 level degree, the Bachelor's degree "Property Management Officer" takes place in one year, or two semesters. Each semester has a certain number of UE (teaching units) totaling 30 European credits (ECTS): the student obtains their Bachelor's degree after validation of 60 credits.
The training is organised on a sandwich course basis. Subject to exceptions, classes are held on Thursdays and Fridays. The time spent in the host company (on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays) can be part of either an employment contract for employees in executive training, or a sandwich course contract (apprenticeship or professionalisation), or an internship agreement for job seekers.
Training's programme
Common core
Sandwich course
The 3rd year of Bachelor's degree in Management specialisation Property Management Officer can be carried out as part of an apprenticeship contract or professionalisation contract. To find out all about sandwich course at the IAE Metz (link to the sandwich course page).
Executive training
The 3rd year of Bachelor's degree in Management specialisation Property Management Officer is accessible within the framework of a resumption of studies in executive training process or in a process of an Accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL).
Discover the different measures for employees, job seekers and self-employed workers
The 3rd year of Bachelor's degree in Management specialisation Property Management Officer is eligible for financing through your Personal Training Account
- Hold a bac + 2 (120 ECTS) level degree, preferably in the field of Law Economics Management, Economic and Social Administration, Applied Languages, Technical (Building, Civil Engineering, Construction, Notary, Urban Planning)
- For executives and job seekers that do not hold those degrees: be able to demonstrate good professional experience and executive status in order to assert a Validation of Professional Knowledge (VAP)
- Application file on ecandidat.univ-lorraine.fr
- Application file study
- If eligible, selection interview
For Campus France candidates, please look this page up:
Application period
Registration fees
Registration fees for national degrees are set each year by ministerial decree. Registration fees are re-evaluated by the ministry for each academic year.
Documents to download



Discover the other possibilities of the Management Bachelor:
Frequently asked questions
IAE Metz School of Management is a public university school.
Our school is not concerned by Parcoursup, our schooling start at Bac+3 level.
You must complete your application file at https://ecandidat.univ-lorraine.fr/.The deadlines for applying are available on the relevant degree page.